Saturday, April 04, 2009

That's not my job (anymore)

A disturbing realization came upon me this morning.  I have become complacent, ineffective, and inactive in the sharing of my faith.  Sure, I get up every morning and go to work, Scout meetings, and ball games, living the Christian life.  People still call me "pastor" even though I'm not one anymore.  I get called upon to pray at all the usual gatherings.  I post occassionally on this blog.  But I realized that I am not pro-actively sharing my faith, living it out in tangible ways, serving the world around me in ways that exhibit a missional lifestyle that leads non-believers to begin their own faith journeys.

While I considered all these thoughts, I wondered if I have become a victim of the believers version of being a couch potato.  Have I stopped because "it's not my job anymore"?  Or have I just gotten lazy?

Just a thought, and not a comforting one . . .

1 comment:

Pastor Al said...


That is an honest question we all have to ask. I can hide behind my ministerial 'duties' and not actually stay in the zone of sharing my faith. I think it is also easier to share your 'religion' without sharing the Person of Christ.

Keep me honest on this one. Christ followers have a mandate to share. Thanks for this post.