This week began another season of Matt Guthrie, Suburban Farmer (MGSF). The last two years we had straw bale gardens. I was determined to have a much larger, more traditional in-the-ground garden. I picked out the perfect spot in our yard with plenty of sun, etc. I mentally marked off a plot about twenty feet square. There was one last piece of critical info - I needed to verify the location of our septic drain lines. And wouldn't you know it? Our drain lines run right through all the best places on our property for a garden. On to plan B.
After much shadow watching, soil checking, etc. we finally determined the next best place. To make a long story short, I accepted plan C after beginning the process of preparing the ground the old fashioned way by hand. I went to AgriSupply yesterday and bought ten bales of wheat straw. I'll do another straw bale garden over the spot where I want my "real" garden next year. Over the winter I'll till and prepare the ground for next spring.
This season the theme of MGSF will be "Reclaiming the Garden After The Fall". While doing all that hoeing by hand on Saturday, thoughts of Adam working the Garden of Eden before the forbidden fruit incident kept coming to mind. It has been said that all of salvation history is about God trying to get humankind back into the Garden. Think about your faith journey in those terms. Stay tuned for more episodes of MGSF as we flesh out those thoughts and more.
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