Saturday, February 28, 2009

What's up with your blog?

To the 4 people who read my blog with semi-semi-semi-regularity, you have probably noticed that my posts lately have been coming with even less regularity.  Lots of factors are involved, lack of time being the main.  The activities that have been taking up most of my time have also given me reason to consider the purpose of this blog.  Or at least its original purpose.  I don't know what will happen to Just a Thought, but my gut tells me it will morph more into an online journal of my own faith journey.  That's of course assuming I can carve out time to actually post.

Just in case you're curious, here's one of the things that has been occupying my time - the Kenan Fellowship.  I've made it to the interview round of the process.  My interview is Tuesday afternoon. We'll see how it turns out.


Anonymous said...

Best wishes Matt on your pursuits!

Anonymous said...

Matt, the Kenan Fellow.
Yep, has a nice ring to it. Good luck!

Pastor Al said...

Hey Matt,

Finished reading 'The Wild Goose Chase' by Mark Batterson. Guess we are all on a quest!

Will be 2/3rds at the end of this semester. i don't know what I will do with the rest of my life.

Looked up the program. Sounds interesting.

Brandon Barr said...

Hey, blogging comes second to most things in life. So don't worry about less frequent posting!!