Thursday, December 06, 2007


Taking liberties with some movies and great works of literature, here's a burning question:

"O Blogger, Where Art Thou?"
"Bloggero, Bloggero, wherefore art thou Bloggero?"
"Are we blogging yet?"
"The Fall of the Blog: Star Wars Episode 7"

For the last few weeks, millions of people have not cared whether or not I have blogged. Tens of you have forgotten I even had one. Two of you have wondered when I'm going to get off my lazy butt and write something. For you two faithful fans, today is your lucky day. However, all I have are excuses for why I haven't posted very faithfully for a few weeks. These are in no particular order.

  1. Too busy reading other people's blogs
  2. After #1, I felt inferior to their witty humor, insightful societal or theological observations, or much more exciting lives
  3. I've developed an allergy to Windows XP and unfortunately can't afford a new Mac right now
  4. I'm just lazy
  5. I decided to live my faith journey for a while instead of write about it
  6. I'm recovering from my injuries suffered when the doors opened on Black Friday and I was trampled on my way to the half priced candy canes
  7. I'm trying to watch as much tv as possible since the writers strike will force early reruns
  8. I just can't seem to blog when the Panthers fall below .500
  9. My fingers are too jumpy because of the increased sugar intake from all those candy canes
  10. My brain is too dead because of repeated crashes after all my sugar rushes wore off
  11. The weather is too crazy! It's 48 degrees one day and 70 the next!
  12. Blog rhymes with eggnog and I just can't mix the two
  13. Speaking of eggnog, I waited all night in the barn to see if the eggnog cow would see her shadow on Dec 2 and bring us eggnog this Christmas
  14. Related to #12 & 13, I spent an inordinate amount of time wondering why eggnog is only on the shelves in December
  15. I'm still trying to untangle all the stinking Christmas lights
  16. Developed tennis elbow doing #15
  17. Spent a lot of time wondering if what Tim Allen's character on The Santa Clause is true about Santa not visiting Muslim or Jewish children
  18. Practicing Neptunesday really screwed me up for a while

If I can think of some more excuses, I'll put off writing for a few more days.

Just a thought.

1 comment:

Randy Lewis said...

Why don't you put on the list? I enjoy messing with friends and how I respond to their innocent emails. How about that dude.
You dejected friend who will get you back somehow,