Of course, I'm not complaining. I'm just making an observation. To be completely honest about the situation, we did not send out ANY this year. We just ran out of time. For once, my wife listened to me when I said not to worry to about them (literally worry about them). However, we would like for all our friends and family to know we wish them a Merry Christmas. Thus this post. Unfortunately, only about three or four of said family and friends read this blog. But hey, it's the thought that counts, right?
So without further ado, to make this an official Christmas card, here is our first annual Christmas newsletter.
Wow! Can you believe Christmas is here already? It seems like it has only been a year since last Christmas. 2008 was a busy year for all of us. Here are the highlights for each one.
Matt resigned as pastor of New Life Wesleyan Church in February. It was a timely move since Bob Barr, the Libertarian candidate for president, asked him to head up his campaign. Matt protested that he knew nothing about running a presidential campaign. Bob insisted and Matt needed the job anyway. This probably explains our poor showing in the elections. Sensing the campaign was not going to end well, Matt resigned from that position in August to begin teaching seventh grade math at Clayton Middle School.
Tammy continued her present career path as mom, homemaker, and lead teacher at Trinity Christian Academy. Not many days went by that she didn't ask herself why. In addition to this already busy schedule, she started her own curriculum consulting company. Considering the hours she has put into researching this field, she figured it was a great way to make all that work payoff financially. It will also pay the medical bills incurred so that we can have the strained eyesight and carpal tunnel syndrome fixed from all that time on the computer. If you have a curriculum question, give her a call. Her next goal is to apply for the vacant superintendent position of Johnston County Schools.
Joshua began the year taking up a new pasttime - hunting. Using the pellet gun he received last Christmas, he rescued the neighborhood from a rabid bear that was terrorizing us all. Discovering that he had a special gift, probably due to some unknown Native American heritage in his bloodstream, Joshua opened his own hunting guide service. If you're interested in hunting moose, rhino, or any other exotic big game in our neighborhood, Joshua can ensure your success. In addition to discovering a love for hunting, Joshua continued to hone his Cub Scout skills. He is only one activity pin away from earning all twenty pins available to Webelos Scouts. He is anxiously counting down the day to when he crosses over to Boy Scouts in only three months.
Noah's year has been equally exciting. He finished his first year of Cub Scouts in the spring. This put him one step closer to his dream of living as far away from civilization as possible. We began renting out his bedroom for extra cash since he decided to move out into the yard. The large nest in the tree out back leads one to believe that either Big Bird or an African lowland gorilla has moved into our backyard. Despite his desire to live in the wilderness for the rest of his life, Noah continues to work on his education due to legal requirements. Most days demonstrate excellent progress even though he will never use anything he has learned.
I'll leave it up to you to decide what's true and what isn't, what's dead on and what's embellishment. One thing is true, our year, just like yours, was filled with joys, excitement, and struggles. God was with us every step of the way. We always knew he was there, even when we had no clue how we would get through some of those struggles. And we of course gave him praise in each moment of joy and triumph. I'm sure 2009 will bring more of the same, including his ever abiding presence. This Christmas, we wish for you to experience that same presence as we remember how he became flesh and dwelled among us.
Merry Christmas!
Matt, Tammy, and the boys
Matt Guthrie, Have I told you lately how much I miss you guys! How do I survive everyday without your humor?
Love you guys, Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to the Guthries,
Juliette & I posted a picture for Christmas on our blog...if you wish.
In some ways...this has been a better Christmas. It always sneaks up on me. There is always additional unplanned activity. However, wouldn't trade it for the world.
Merry Christmas
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