I read this week that the 50 millionth blog appeared this past summer. 175,000 are added every day. The blogosphere doubles in size every six months.
Which got me to thinking. Out of what is now probably close to 55 million blogs, what makes mine so special? Why even bother? I know why I originally started it, but I don't think it is living up to my vision, if you catch my drift. Maybe it's the pressure of feeling like I have to write something powerful and thought provoking every week.
I had hoped there would be more interaction here with whomever reads it. Perhaps that has been low because of the way in which I have written.
I need your help. Please post some kind of comment. I'm begging for attention. Please notice me! Seriously, I would like to know if anybody really reads this. If they do, I'd like to know what they think. I'd like to know what they'd like to read more of. What do you think this blog's purpose should be?
At any rate, "Just a Thought" will go off the air until Oct 30. In the meantime, tell me what you want to find here.
In the words of Walter Cronkite, "Thank you, and Good Night."
When is the right time?
This past week I had coffee with the pastor of the church we're now
attending. I talked for about an hour straight, telling my story. All the
while he prov...
16 years ago
Hey Matt,
Just letting you know that I am a faithful reader for several reasons. One because I miss being able to talk to you on a daily basis, this keeps me "in touch". Next I do really like to find out how you look at the world. It gives me a different perspective on lots of things. You point out things and ideas I've never thought of myself. Imagine that!
I felt the following quote went well with "What time is it?"
"We have to choose between risk and risk. We run the risk of sleeping through life, of never waking up at all. Or else we wakefully rise to the risk of life, facing the challenge of life, of love."
I noticed your blog because I read Kevin Wrights on a regular basis. I flipped through a few of your entries and I was especially touched with your Sept 26 post.
I've had a number of conversations with folks just like the young man you spoke to on the phone. The denial, the constant stream of questions, the answers that seem to never satisfy, sensing the gaping whole inside of the recipients heart and the frustration to answer each one acurrately and faithfully so as to reach into that persons life, and each answer that is not recieved with its intended purpose seems to further fan the flames of ire with the person you are talking to.
There is alot to be disturbed by these and many other experiences in our lives. I'm not a pastor and I've never had any formal Bible training but, I like to live my life as a Christian out loud. I believe in absolute truth, the relevancy of the Bible, the need to be ready in season and out, living a life of worship of the living God, I believe in the use of sanctified imagination, solid preaching and the need to offer salvation through Jesus to anyone at any time bidden or no. This does not make me popular at conversation tables but, it does keep things lively as you may well understand.
I think you did what you could with that young man in some ways. But, what I did not see in the testimony you gave about "Painful Thinking" was whether or not you stopped him in the course of this chat and bring him up short with the person of Jesus. Apologetical answers only create a crisis in someones worldview. "Psycology and philosophy will only bring us so far. But it takes the Word of God and the person of Christ to show you that what is wrong with the world is the heart of man".~R. Zacharias
I think you are rightly left to be disturbed in your heart with this conversation. It speaks to the depth of which you feel for this man and the lost. It speaks to the inclination of your heart to evaluate such terrible struggles of spirit and flesh. It should spur you to seek deeper the truth of God incarnate in his Son who is the completion of the Law. What is most disturbing to me is the fact that this Blog you post is not a place where people confront the Living Word! Or in your own words, "I don't usually use this space to blatantly "push Jesus". I agree there has to be jumping points in any conversation but, those conversations must start with the understanding that Truth is at stake. And that Jesus set himself up as that Truth. And he did so in such a fashion that anything that opposes Him ipso facto becomes false. (i.e. logics law of non-contradiction)
I weary of people telling me not to shove Jesus down there throats. Though there is wisdom in doing it gently and lovingly. However, in most cases, the plain fact of the matter is even if I bring Him up casually He is the immediate cause of a stumbling block.. The world hates Him and those who procaim Him. Even when it is done with Love. They see the urgency of your message as overbearing and pushy not knowing that it is thier own lives that are at risk! Oh the beckoning of the living God as to the rights he has on the lives and hearts of men! Let them hear us proclaim thier emptiness apart from the source of life that is Christ Jesus and mock us. Would'nt you be all the more courageous to save someones life if you had the requisite medical training to intervene in someones crisis? I say the same should come from the pulpit! It should not be hidden in vague suggestion comming from a speaker or in song selection but, loudly, boldly and prophetically proclaimed as if the very lives of men depended on it. And so it does. So lament the failure of being disturbed and hanging up on the fellow because you had no more answers. For that is catastrophic and it should pierce you to your soul. I know it has mine when I have failed to offer salvation to one such as that. But, if you have passed on the life giving knowledge of the grace of the Lord Jesus and of his comming judgement then you have cause to pray to quiet your soul in prayer and supplication before your King.
Keep writing I say. Keep it up and be diligent as you would if you had the story of the ages to tell the men and women who read this site. I think you do. I think you have the tools. Invite people you see responding to other Blogs to converse with you. God will bless you if you use it to his Glory and not your satisfaction. Let it first be a sacrifice to Him. I look forward to hearing from you.
~Matthew Kinsey
I found out about this blog because my mom, Alice, has been forwarding your midweek boosts to me every week and I have quite enjoyed them. I have been on the internet since '94 and have known about blogs since there have been blogs. But this will be my very first blog comment. So take that for what it's worth. I don't know what you should change if anything, just post when you have something to post.
Thanks for your comments and encouragement. Regarding the painful phone call, your quote from Ravi Zacharias is right on target and I agree 100%. In my conversation with this gentleman, I tried to take the same approach Jesus took with his critics and naysayers. If you notice, he rarely, if ever, answers the questions of the Pharisees head on. He knew the real intent and underlying issue they were hinting at and he cut right to the chase. That is what I did. Engaging in an argument with someone who has already got their mind made up is really useless.
I also share your concern that we are hesistant to share the truth of who Jesus is and what that means for our lives. I disagree with your assessment that this is a not blog where people are confronted with the Living Word. That's what motivates every post I write. It's what spurred me to finally do something like this. When I say I do not blatantly use it to "push Jesus" is that I mean I do not post any thought where at the end I try to force someone to take sides. I believe that if I have written what I am supposed to, then the Word itself through the power of the Holy Spirit will take care of that. Are there places where I do "push" for such a decision? You betcha. This place just isn't one of them.
I hope you'll come back. It's nice to know someone is reading.
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